Food Security
Food Security

Food is always part of a broader strategy—to respond to needs, equip communities, and share the hope of the Gospel.
Food is always part of a broader strategy—to respond to needs, equip communities, and share the hope of the Gospel.
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We partner with local leaders to provide tens of thousands of nutrient-rich meals to displaced people groups every day. All meals are distributed through a trusted network of local Christian leaders, from the regions we serve.

Meals have proven to be an effective bridge from physical needs to spiritual needs. A common sentiment we hear from our partners is that, “hungry bellies have no ears.” This active demonstration of the love of Christ is followed by the relational sharing of the Gospel, by the local church and Christian leaders.

Food also becomes the foundation for some of our other programs, such as education, hygiene training, agri-business development and church planting.

Partner Highlight:
Meet Rosebell, one of our partners in the fight against hunger.
Program Highlight:
Learn more about one of the major areas we supply food to.
$11=100 meals

$1 can provide food for ten children.

Your Giving Impact:

We are diligent about stewarding every dollar and measuring the impact of the work we do so that you know the power behind your giving.
