Words of comfort from the Bible.
The gospel shapes and drives our lives, serving as a basis for identity and a reservoir of hope. But how does it help human trafficking victims? What words of comfort from the Bible can support human trafficking victims?
First, the gospel offers a picture of dignity. While the pervasive evil in the world can lead to despair, the gospel reminds us that we are inherently dignified and valuable. We see this in a number of places. For instance, God made us in His image and that are fearfully and wonderfully made (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:14). Additionally, we know that, during His ministry, Jesus gave dignity to those around Him who society did not accept. He ate with tax collectors and prostitutes; He sat with the woman at the well who had a habit of sin; He called the adulteress in John His daughter. Stories of Jesus acknowledging and valuing those whom society shoved aside fill the gospel.
Also, we know that in His death and resurrection, Christ paid the penalty for our sins. Because of that, His righteousness clothes us. Furthermore, we know that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who works in and through us. While we still sin, we know that in the end times, our bodies will be resurrected and all things will be as they should be. For all of these reasons, we can be sure that our bodies and our beings have inherent value and dignity. This includes the bodies of human trafficking victims.
For a human trafficking victim who has been abused and stripped of their dignity by another person, the gospel has the power to remind them that, despite what they’ve endured, they are beautiful, significant, and valuable in the Kingdom of God.
Secondly, the gospel provides great hope that the sufferings of this present age will expire. The Lord will return to redeem this present age and make all things new. Because of this, we have the hope of eternity to anticipate. For the human trafficking victim caught in slavery, the gospel provides hope of everlasting, joyful, free life to come.
However, that is not to diminish the real pain and suffering in our present world. The gospel also shows us that God is present in our sufferings, walking and mourning with us. We have a savior who suffered all the pain and temptation we could possibly imagine. In light of that, who better to comfort us in our times of trial? For the human trafficking victim, the gospel can provide hope and comfort that they are not alone and that their God draws ever nearer to them in their suffering. Not only that, but they can be confident that their suffering in this present age cannot compare to the joy of the eternal life to come (Romans 8:18).
While human trafficking victims suffer grave daily injustices, the gospel can provide hope, comfort, and dignity.
What can you do to help? Alongside our partners, Venture identifies and helps women and children who are vulnerable to trafficking, and provides holistic care for human trafficking victims. We would be honored to have you join us in that mission! To that end, you can read more about the problem here and about our work here and here. You can be a part of these ongoing efforts. Click here to donate.